HGS RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT – Using depth specific electrical conductivity estimates to improve hydrological simulations in a heterogeneous tile-drained field
A new study, which is part of the PhD project of Vinicius Boico and co-authored by Aquanty co-founder Rene Therrien, uses HydroGeoSphere to explore the impact of soil heterogeneity on simulated hydrology of a highly-instrumented, tile-drained agricultural field in Denmark. Results of the integrated hydrologic simulations indicate that homogeneous soil layers can effectively reproduce overall drainage and flow volumes at this scale. However, the inclusion of clay layers provides a much better representation of hydraulic heads throughout the field, a necessity for the accurate simulation of solute transport in agricultural catchments.
Click here to read the research highlight on our blog.
3D HydroGeoSphere Model of the Study Area in Denmark